Our Texas parole attorneys field questions every day from family members whose loved ones are eligible for parole or whose loved ones have been accused of committing crimes. See if your question is addressed here. Topics include parole, probation, and criminal defense.
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How does someone apply for parole in Texas?
Who decides who gets parole in Texas?
When will I be eligible for parole on a case with a deadly weapon?
What can be expunged from my Texas Criminal history
How long is Texas mandatory supervision
In Texas how long does parole last?
Where can I find Texas Parole Laws?
Do you practice before all the Texas Parole Boards?
Do I need a lawyer if they are trying to revoke my probation in Harris County?
When will someone be eligible for parole for felony driving while intoxicated and can I help?
Can an inmate be considered for parole more than three times?
How can I find a Parole Lawyer in Houston Texas?
Texas Parole Lawyer: How can I find out if a Texas inmate has started the review process?
Texas Parole Lawyer explains Special Condition D
Texas Parole Lawyer – If a weapon was used in a crime when will an offender be eligible for parole?
What is early termination of probation?
Texas Parole Lawyer - What is the Maximum Sentence Date?
Texas Parole Lawyer - Do I need a lawyer if there is a blue warrant out?
Texas Parole Lawyer - Will I get a bond if there is a blue warrant out?
Will the Texas Parole Board see cases that were dismissed?