Special condition D is a special condition of parole or mandatory supervision that the Texas Parole Board can impose on an offender that they have granted parole. The D stands for detainer. It is for offenders who are granted parole but have an existing detainer that needs to be handled. A detainer is a hold placed by some county or city usually in reference to a warrant. If an offender is given special condition D their supervising parole officer will ensure that they comply with the requirements of the detainer. This can happen either by the offender being released to the custody of the detaining agency or if that custody is not necessary they will report to parole as instructed while the detainer is in place. The offender is also required to report immediately to the parole division, as instructed, upon withdrawal of the detainer.
If you, or someone you love, is currently in TDCJ and you have questions about how you can help them obtain a favorable parole vote please fill out an online contact form and an experienced Texas Parole Lawyer will contact you shortly. If there is a detainer in place we will determine the nature of the detainer and the best way to deal with it. Our offices are in Houston and our parole practice takes across the State to Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth and prisons located in various cities and towns.