Our Texas parole attorneys field questions every day from family members whose loved ones are eligible for parole or whose loved ones have been accused of committing crimes. See if your question is addressed here. Topics include parole, probation, and criminal defense.
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What Texas prison units do you have clients in that you are helping obtain release on parole? I want to help someone in a Texas prison be released on parole; where should I find a Teas parole lawyer who can help?
The Texas Parole Board denied parole, does that mean an Texas prison inmate will definitely be paroled on the mandatory supervision date?
What is good conduct time? How does good time help someone get parole in Texas?
When should I hire a Texas Parole Lawyer? At what point should I hire a Texas Parole Attorney?
My son is incarcerated in a Texas prison. He recently told me that he will be eligible for parole soon. What factors will the parole board look at?
My husband was arrested for a drug crime. How can I find a good attorney to represent him in his criminal case?
My 15-year-old son has a bad temper. He’s gotten into several fights at school. I’m worried that he will be charged with a crime. What acts qualify as an assault?
What are some common reasons why a person’s probation may be revoked?