There is no limit to how long a person can be on parole.  An offender who is released on parole in Texas will be on parole until their sentence is complete.  For example if on 1/1/2010 a person was sentenced to ten years and they were released on parole on 1/1/2012 they would have eight years left on parole.  While they will be on parole that entire time it should be noted that there are different levels of supervision for Texas parolee’s and conditions can change and become easier based on a parolee’s actions while on parole.  If you have questions about parole or how to help someone get parole please call us on our toll free number 888-661-5030 or fill out an online contact form.  Our offices are in Houston and we practice Texas parole law in McAllen, parole law in San Antonio, parole law in Austin and parole law in Dallas among other cities across the State of Texas.

Seth Topek
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