While the numbers discussed here can’t be applied to any individual offender in any meaningful way they are still helpful in understanding in a general way how the Texas Parole Board votes. In November of 2013 the Texas Parole Board reviewed roughly 6,130 offenders for parole and granted parole to 2304. This means that for every 100 offenders they reviewed roughly 38 of them were granted parole. It also helps to look a little more closely at those numbers. Offenders incarcerated for non-violent offenses that were not sex offenses were granted parole at a rate of 40 for every 100 considered, not aggravated sex offenses were granted parole at a rate of roughly 30 per 100, violent non aggravated non sex offenses were at roughly 20 per one hundred, aggravated sex offenses were at roughly 60 per one hundred, and aggravated non sex offenses at roughly 30 per one hundred. The majority, over half, of the offenders considered were being reviewed for non-violent non sex offenses.
These numbers indicate a slight rise in positive votes from the two preceding months. Of course, as discussed without a great deal of information it is hard to make a specific prediction on how the parole board will vote on a specific inmate. However, we believe that in every case an offender can benefit from having an advocate dedicated to providing the parole board with information in support of an offender’s parole. We regularly receive phone calls from family members after an offender has been denied parole stating that they would have hired a parole attorney but they were certain parole would be granted. Often there confidence was based on rumors in TDCJ or stories told to them by other offenders and they are surprised to learn of the near impossibility of getting the parole board to change their mind after they have entered a decision.
The Texas Parole system is confusing and can be difficult to manage. Parole Board Members and Commissioners work hard and try to do what is right. They decide a large volume of cases often based on limited information. We believe that by researching our cases and providing the board with additional information that is helpful to their decision making process, making an in person presentation to the parole board if they grant our request, and presenting the strongest reasons available that an offender will be successful on parole that the parole board is able to make a more informed decision that it may otherwise not make.
Please fill out an online contact form or call us at 888-661-5030 for a free consultation. We are always available to discuss your case and explain our services.
What You Need to Know About the Parole Process