The only definitive answer is that an offender will either be voted out on parole by the Texas Parole Board or serve their entire sentence. Most individuals in TDCJ will be granted parole on one of their review dates but it is often difficult to predict with certainty when that will be. The parole board looks at numerous factors when making their decisions and they also have a great deal of discretion when deciding how to vote a case.
What can be determined is how long an offender must serve before the parole board will consider their case. If the offender was sentenced to five years for committing a 3(g) offense they must serve half of their sentence, two and a half years, before the parole board can consider them for parole. If the offense was not a 3(g) offense the offender will be eligible for parole when they have credit for twenty five percent of their sentence. If the offender receives the maximum amount of work and good time they will have credit for fifteen months in just over seven months.
When an offender becomes eligible for parole it means that the parole board will make a determination as to whether to release them from TDCJ. Although the percentage of offenders making parole has been on the rise the parole board still denies parole on the majority of cases they decide. At Topek and Topek we believe that having an attorney advocate for an offender throughout the process can benefit the offender and their support system. With years of experiencing going before parole boards across the state we work hard to ensure that the parole board is presented with an in depth view of our client, their support system, and the reasons why they will be successful on parole. Additionally, we are always available to answer your questions about the parole process and suggestions about what you can do to help a loved one that is incarcerated. Please call us on our toll free number 888-661-5030 for a free consultation with an experienced Texas parole lawyer or fill out an online contact form and an attorney will call you shortly.
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