As parole lawyers we regularly represent and meet with our clients at Garza West and Garza East. Garza East is located in Beeville Texas and houses an estimated 1500 offenders. Garza East is a transfer facility which means offenders usually go through classification and sociology here and then are sent to a different unit. However, although offenders will not be there for over two years many stay at Garza east for over a year and will be considered for parole while still at the Garza facility.
Garza East is in the region covered by the San Antonio Parole Board. Inmates who become eligible for parole while at Garza East will have their case voted on by the San Antonio Parole Board. The fact that an offender is at Garza East does not speak to the likelihood that they will be granted or denied parole.
If you or a loved one is located at Garza East and has questions about parole or would like help with the parole process please call us at 713-651-1444. It has been our experience that having an advocate making the strongest case possible in support of an offender’s parole can have a positive impact. We research each of our client’s criminal history and current offense and work hard to help them create a strong parole plan. We meet with our clients numerous times and speak with their support system at length in order to make a convincing argument that our client is a good candidate for parole and will be successful if released on parole. Please call or fill out an online contact form for a free consultation with an experienced parole attorney.
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