The Clemens Unit is a Texas prison unit located in Brazoria Tx. The Unit opened in 1893 and is named after William Clemens, the chairperson of the Prison Board, who originally purchased the land. The Clemens unit has a large number of young offenders and generally houses around 1,000 inmates.
The Angleton Parole Board decides whether inmates at the Clemens unit are granted or denied parole. As Texas parole lawyers we regularly represent offenders at the Angleton Parole Board and visit with offenders located at the Clemens unit. If you, or a loved one, is incarcerated at the Clemens unit please call us at 713-651-1444, or fill out an online contact form, for a free consultation with an experienced parole attorney.
The parole process can be confusing and it is hard to know what you can do to help. With the large numbers of offenders who are eligible for parole during any given week we believe that having an advocate ensures that the lead voter will give an offender the time and consideration a case deserves. As parole lawyers we research our clients criminal history, personal background and employment and education history so that we can present the parole board with a more accurate portrait than they would otherwise receive. Additionally, we visit our clients numerous times and speak with their support system in order to come up with a strong parole plan and be able to present the parole board with all the reasons our client is a strong candidate for parole and will be successful if released on parole.
Please contact us if you have questions about our services or the parole process.
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