The Texas Parole Board will look at a great deal of information when making a deciding whether or not to grant an offender parole. The information is provided to them in a case summary provided to them by the institutional parole officer.
- Current offense
The Texas Parole Board looks at the crime for which they are currently in prison. Specifically, the type of offense (for example was it a violent offense, a drug offense, a crime against property) and the amount of time the offender has served on their current offense.
-Criminal History
They Texas Parole Board looks at an offender’s criminal history including any type of prior community supervision. The parole board will have before them the offender’s complete criminal history and information about each of the offenses. This includes any cases that were dismissed or which the offender was given probation. They take into consideration how many times the offender has been in prison and will look at how they did when on community supervision.
-Personal history
The Texas Parole Board will receive a great deal of personal information regarding the offender from the Institutional Parole Officer. They look at the offender’s age, alcohol and drug use, psychological history, employment history and education. They also will look at the inmates conduct during his incarceration and any possible gang involvement.
The above information is used on its own and to obtain a parole guidelines score. The parole guideline score is calculated for each inmate and the number that purports to assign a risk level to an offender based on the calculated score.
-Information in support of parole
The parole board will also consider information submitted in support of an offender. Often these are letters submitted by the offender’s support system stating why the parole board should release an inmate. As experienced Texas Parole Attorneys this is where we can offer the most help. In addition to clarifying misconceptions that may have been created regarding the nature of the offense and other information provided by the IPO we focus on providing the parole board with convincing reasons to grant an inmate parole. We create and provide the parole board with a parole packet and if given the opportunity schedule an appointment with the lead parole voter at the regional parole board office to discuss the offender and present the testimony of witness’s who can explain why the offender should be paroled and will be successful on parole. If you or a loved one is going to be considered for parole please call us at 713-651-1444. An experienced Texas parole attorney can answer any questions regarding how we can help you and how you can benefit from hiring a parole attorney. Please contact us by filling out this form to schedule a free consultation. Our offices are in Houston but we represent inmates across the state of Texas and help families in Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, San Antonio, McAllen and numerous other cities around the state of Texas.