In Texas the Parole Board does not usually meet with the offender. However, when an offender has been incarcerated for 20 or more consecutive years and has not been interviewed during the last two reviews the lead voter is supposed to meet the offender. The meeting is in-person unless the unit is more than 100 miles away. In the majority of other cases the offender does not meet with any of the voters.
One of the reasons it is helpful to have an attorney is that without a face to face meeting with a voter it is difficult for the voter to get a real sense of the offender. As parole attorney’s one of our jobs is to humanize our clients and make sure that the voters see them as more than just a list of offenses or words on a page. We also always request an in person interview with the lead voter and we bring witnesses to speak. Although the voter is not required to see us in person, most will and the remainder will speak on the phone. Additionally, I have found that on some serious offenses when we have made a strong case that an offender should be released the lead voter may want to visit the offender and speak face to face before making a decision. I have found this is most likely to occur in cases where they are leaning one way and want to meet with the offender to make sure they are comfortable granting parole.
If you have questions regarding Texas Parole please fill out a contact form or call us at 713-651-1444 for a free consultation. Our offices are in Houston but we travel across Texas to represent TDCJ offenders.