We are often asked whether anything can be done to help an offender be considered for parole early. It is asked by someone with a loved one who will not be eligible for parole until serving half of the sentence and they want to know if there is a way to move up that date. Unfortunately, the answer is no. The Texas Parole Board is given the power to review offenders for parole by State law. Those laws determine when an offender will be eligible for parole. The law does not give the parole board the power to change that date. Click here for an explanation of parole eligibility.
An attorney cannot get the board to change that date, it will only be changed if the underlying judgment is changed. As parole attorneys, we make the strongest case possible that the parole board should release the offender when they become eligible for parole. We use our experience with the Texas Parole Board to write a packet and make a presentation with all the reasons the offender should be paroled and do so in a way that we believe will have the strongest impact.
However, sometimes when we are asked that question family members want to know about the chances an offender has at being released on their first parole eligibility date. Yes, many offenders do make parole on their first parole eligibility. A lot will depend on the individual characteristics of the offender, their criminal history, the offense, as well as their parole plans, the changes they have made and our ability to provide the Texas Parole Board with evidence that indicates an offender will be successful on parole.
As Texas Parole attorneys we represent offenders across the state of Texas. If you are trying to help a loved obtain a positive parole vote please call us on our toll free number 888-661-5030 or fill out an online contact form for a free consultation. Additionally we have made available a free booklet titled What You Need to Know About the Texas Parole Process answering many of the questions people have about the parole process. Please call us if you have any questions regarding our services.