In this article I will focus on the common ways that people are charged with credit card abuse. Credit card abuse is not about the amount of money spent on a credit or debit card. If a person uses the credit card to purchase five dollars of groceries or sixty dollars from an ATM machine they have committed a State Jail Felony and face a punishment range of six months to two years in state jail. Often, when we are first contacted by an accused they are confused because they believed it would be treated like theft and be a misdemeanor at worst and are surprised to learn the seriousness of the crime. If you have been charged with credit or debit card abuse you need to contact us at 713-651-1444.
The most common types of credit card abuse are:
- Using someone else’s credit or debit card without permission
- Using a credit card or debit card knowing that the card was expired, revoked or had been cancelled.
- Using a fake debit or credit card
- Steals a credit or debit card or uses a debit or credit they know to be stolen
- Possess a debit or credit card without the consent of the cardholder with the intent to use it.
If you or someone you know has been accused of credit card abuse it is a serious matter and you need to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. We will review the evidence of the case to determine a defensive strategy. At times in these cases people feel hopeless because of the types of evidence the state may have against them, but you should know that it always will work to your benefit to have a criminal defense attorney who will fight to defend your rights in order to obtain the best result possible. If you have been accused of credit card abuse in Harris County, Brazoria County, Galveston County, Montgomery County or any of the other surrounding counties please fill out our online contact form and an attorney will contact you shortly.